Back off and set your children FREE. [Must read for Parents]

So my new found team mate came round to view the school, Posh Babies and Kids School, Parkview Estate, Ikoyi. As most people that visit do, she loved it, love it and loved it some more. Remember, it is the BEST PRESCHOOL on this side of town so clearly she had to love it!!! Giggles! She inquired about the fees and soon took to her leave.

A couple of days later, I am graced by her presence in my office again and she soon let the cat out of the bag.
She was worried about the staircases and she was just worried, worried and even more worried because she believes her daughter can often act like a little monkey.
She didn’t want her daughter hurt. I smiled, I had seen and hard parents like her often and I used to be that type of mum. As a matter of fact, I used to be an over-protective mum especially as it turns out that I have just one ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PRINCESS as my daughter. I was all up in her business, big or small, I was there.

After letting her know how we operate and our next to nothing Accident count, I had to have a heart to heart with this prospective parent (she has registered her children now by the way). I reminded her of the risks and danger we were exposed to as children which has contributed greatly to who we are today, we rode on bikes, climbed trees, rolled around in sand, physical battles with friends etc. I can even remember having monkeys when I lived in Kaduna and it scratched me deeply when it snatched a banana off me. There were snakes behind our fence and they sometimes came into our compound (I am not recommending that now though) but I remain standing.

I can remember being worried about my daughter so much, it was simply exhausting, I had to let God speak to me one day and I decided to let go. My over-protectiveness was not letting her be and do all that she wanted. I would and could not have spotted some of the gift that God had placed I panicked often and i would shut my eyes when she a “Dare-Angel”. Like God knew the state of my heart, he gave me a Princess to challenge my faith in Him. I don’t mean to sound like I a preaching. But my daughter loves to live on the edge, she loves dancing, roller skating, swimming, double dutch, gymnastics etc. When she somersaults or does her cart wheels, I used to shut my eyes tightly and cringe. Not anymore.

I am more trusting now and I remain her proud mum who totally trusts God to look after her. In doing so, she is chasing her greatness, living her dreams and absolutely enjoying her childhood.

Set your children free!!!
What is it you are doing that is preventing them from being all they are called to be?
How are your fears and insecurities trampling on their destiny?
Just trust God and set them freeeeee!!!


Post written by

RonkePosh Adeniyi (Director Leposhe Schools)

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